1st XV
Sat 17 Feb 2024  ·  Regional 1 South Central
Camberley Rugby Football Club
1st XV
Tries: G Owen (2), M Bowers (3), M McCarthy, A Hughes, D Sammut, C Bird, S HayhowConversions: M McCarthy, W Partington
10 Try Cam just too hot for Bournemouth

10 Try Cam just too hot for Bournemouth

Roger Berry18 Feb - 11:06
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Cam stay in contention for the #1 spot

So, on a very grey and breezy Saturday, there was a good crowd at Watchetts to see if their team could regain their form of earlier in the season and so keep pressure on Havant at the top and also there was a side interest in new boy Will Partington, who joined during transfer deadline week as cover for the injured Brizzle and the roving Smarty.
In the event they witnessed one of the best squad performances of the season with 10 outstanding tries, a display of complete dominance by the forwards and some scintillating handling and running which saw the wingers share 5 tries, scrum half Max claiming one and the forwards contributing the other 4, and despite desperate defence by the visitors several more were left on the park.
With Cam starting proceedings they were soon in the visitors 22 following a neat chip by Will but the visitors escaped this time and took play back up into the Cam half but a great break through by Dom, well supported by BLS saw play quickly return to the Bournemouth 22 and a scrum pen followed by a lineout drive saw the visitors defence sucked in and a great call by Will for the ball to go wide saw George dot down for an unconverted try on 8 mins.
From the restart Dom again took play back to halfway but a couple of pens saw Cam defending their red zone but the pack turned over the ball and from a scrum on our 10 we saw Connor make a stunning break to release Bowers for the last 5m for another try on 16 mins.
This time it was Macca who made valuable metres from the restart and from our scrum we saw some fantastic hands between Luke, Connor and George again rip the visitors defence apart and following a scrum and lineout in the red zone Max was held up just short but the ball was quickly swung out to Will whose perfect kick pass saw Bowers in at the corner for his second after 24 mins.
The next score was not long coming as again another great exit from the restart saw the black and ambers again deep in the visitors 22 following another great nudge by Will and from another dominant scrum, and playing the advantage, young Max crossed for the tbp on 28 mins.

This time the restart was claimed by Dom, who with Spencer, again took play back to halfway and a great interception by Will who then fed Connor and again the centre took play deep into the redzone and although Max's dart this time was not successful the ball was recycled quickly and a huge miss pass by Will saw Bowers over in the corner for his hattrick and a fantastic kick by Max from the touchline saw the score move to 27-0 on 31 mins and that was how the half ended before they all retired to the changing room for a lie down.

The second half continued in much the same manner as straight from the restart Cam moved the ball back into the visitors half and the ball was again in Connors hands as the classy centre made another great break before setting the Fireman up for yet another try and the pain was to continue for the visitors as another great restart saw Dom run the ball back and, following several good phases with almost the entire side involved in the Bournemouth 22 it was Big Dom who eventually forced his way over for another unconverted try and the score had moved to 37-0 on 45 mins.
From the restart we saw Antonio given a 10 min breather for a high tackle and despite some good Cam pressure we saw the visitors cross for 2 converted tries making the score 37-14 with 15 mins to go.

However Cam soon recovered from the 'blip' and direct from the restart we saw play again move into the visitors 22 and some great hands again saw George through for what would have been his 3rd of the day only to be called back for a forward pass but the visitors were penalised at the resultant scrum and we saw skipper Birdy spot a gap from the resultant drive to dot down and with Will adding the extras moving the score to 44-14 on 70 mins.
It was now all Cam and another fantastic lineout drive from at least 15m saw Hughsey claim the score and making the score 49-14.
And then for my money the 'Piece de resistance' - from the restart we saw one of the outstanding individual tries of the season when Spencer, playing at #6 for the second half, collecting the ball on the Bournemouth 10m and his powerful, athletic running left numerous visitors for dead as he carved his way through to claim a truly memorable score (hopefully Vimeo will have captured that in all its glory) and end proceedings.

Overall a really good performance by the black and ambers with only 10 mins or so when they took their eyes off the ball – some outstanding rugby and a number of quality scores setting the boys up for the final 4 games of the season and of course with Havant and TW both losing this weekend and with them playing each other at TW next week in their catch up game the situation at the top could be all change yet again.

Again this was a game which had its foundations in the pack who were all individually and collectively outstanding. It is now great to see that we are painting a much better picture for the officials and so folding in by opposition looseheads did not cost us as much as it has in the past which is a tribute to Bazza, while Spencer at 2 is having nothing short of an outstanding season while our favourite Kiwi has been a huge addition to the squad and while he and Spencer took a break the poor opposition then saw Raz and Murph appear as replacements!!! - what a hard afternoon they had.
Big Dom had one of his best games in the 5 shirt particularly around the park and the returning Harrison added real pace and physicality while in the back row BLS was outstanding until he took a bit of a bang while Macca was at his raging best and Hughsey was just majestic particularly when receiving restarts and skipper Birdy, the quiet assassin, as always, led from the front and as in every game gave 200%.
Max at 9 with new boy Will at 10 worked extremely well with Max upping his game every week it seems, although perhaps still struggling a bit with whiteline fever. Will, on his debut was quality, and clearly was responsible for the backs looking so dangerous with Connor in particular benefitting. Unlike his little bro, Connor didn't manage to cross the line, which of course will be a bit of an issue for him, but he made so many of the scores with his incisive and powerful running and was clearly MoM despite his 2 wingers claiming 5 tries between them!!! Finally Luke at 15 has been another quality acquisition this season and was involved in many of the backs moves.

So another weekend off before the trip to strugglers Horsham – never an easy place to play.

And Finally – Well things are beginning to look up at Castle Grim with the C&Ws reaching the final of the Prem Cup in a tight game against The Chiefs and all C&W fans will now hope that this little run of success will roll forward into the final games in the Prem and also the Bic Biro Cup.

Pic by Dinger shows Spencer touching down after his amazing break

Match details

Match date

Sat 17 Feb 2024




Regional 1 South Central

League position

Team overview
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Team Sponsors

Ticket Sponsor - Oval Peak
Social Media - Maximus 1,2,3,4 Food Plan
Gold Sponsor - Sanjha